Read : 2022-08-08

Articles for reading:

  1. Turns out it’s not who you know that determines economic success” by Clea Simon (The Harvard Gazette, 2022-08-03).
    It’s not just about exposure. It’s not just about admitting a more diverse class at Harvard. It’s about actually getting people to interact at Harvard or in their high school or in their neighborhood.
    —Raj Chetty
  2. Can we learn to disagree better?” by Anne McElvoy (The Economist : The Economist Asks, 2022-08-04). 33m podcast. Discussion with organizational psychologist Adam Grant.

Articles for reference:


  1. What to read to understand the history of Western capitalism” by Callum Williams (The Economist, 2022-07-04).
  2. Maybe this book will change your life” by Clea Simon (The Harvard Gazette, 2022-07-27).
  3. The morning” by Claire Moses (The New York Times, 2022-07-31). Subtitled “Today, we explain the increasing politicization of the book-banning debate.”
  4. Feeling ‘Clueless’? Here’s why Jane Austen never seems to get old” by Manisha Aggarwal-Schifellite (The Harvard Gazette, 2022-08-03).
  5. Underrated sci-fi and fantasy books” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2022-08-03).

Economics : Bank of England (BOE)

  1. Monetary policy report—August 2022” (Bank of England, 2022-08-04).
  2. Asset Purchase Facility: Gilt sales—Provisional market notice” (Bank of England, 2022-08-04).
  3. When will inflation start to come down?” (Bank of England, 2022-08-04).

Economics : Central banks and inflation

  1. Fed risks breaking bond market as Treasury yields spike, liquidity falls” by Peter Brennan, Brian Scheid (S&P Global, 2022-05-02).
  2. Fed raises interest rates by 75 basis points, says more hikes likely” by Daniella Cheslow, Michael Derby (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-07-27). 12m podcast with transcript.
  3. Will Europe’s new TPI be an ATM?” by Willem H. Buiter (Project Syndicate, 2022-07-22).
  4. The ECB’s toxic bond-purchase program” by Lars P. Feld, Clemens Fuest, Volker Wieland, Justus Haucap, Heike Schweitzer, Berthold U. Wigger (Project Syndicate, 2022-07-27).
  5. Two US cost gauges surpass estimates, stoking inflation concern” by Molly Smith (Bloomberg, 2022-07-29). The US Bureau of Economic Analysis reported June 2022 personal consumption expenditures price index (PCEPI) 6.8% (4.8% core) year-over-year. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 2022 Q2 employment cost index (ECI) up 5.1% in nominal (down 3.6% in real, i.e. inflation-adjusted) terms year-over-year.
  6. Argentina is running out of cash to stave off devaluation” by Scott Squires (Bloomberg, 2022-08-02).
  7. Lessons from the great inflation of 1973–81” by Phil Gramm, Mike Solon (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-08-02).
  8. Forget the economy: Central bankers will only care about inflation” by Jon Sindreu (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-08-04).
  9. America’s wage-price persistence must be stopped” by Jason Furman (Project Syndicate, 2022-08-02).
  10. Rate hikes are not the right answer to ‘wage-price persistence’” by James K. Galbraith (Project Syndicate, 2022-08-05).

Economics : Economic reports

  1. Unemployment insurance weekly claims: Week ending 30 July 2022” (US Department of Labor, 2022-08-04).
  2. The employment situation—July 2022” (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022-08-05).

Economics : Housing

  1. How high property prices can damage the economy” (The Economist, 2022-07-28).
  2. The upside-down housing market” by Joseph Politano (Apricitas Economics, 2022-07-30).

Economics : Recession

  1. The semantics of a recession” by kyla scanlon (kyla’s Newsletter, 2022-07-28).
  2. Yes, we’re probably in a recession, and that’s fine” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2022-07-28).
  3. Are we in a recession?” by Joseph Politano (Apricitas Economics, 2022-08-06).
  4. The vibes in the economy are…weird. Really weird.” by Kyla Scanlon (The New York Times, 2022-08-04).
  5. Chinese leaders indicate country is likely to miss economic growth targets” by Jonathan Cheng (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-07-28).

Economics : Other

  1. There is nothing new on Wall Street” (The Economist, 2022-07-28).
  2. How the German economic machine broke down” by Tom Fairless (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-07-28).
  3. The strong U.S. dollar is extending pain in emerging-markets currencies” by Julia-Ambra Verlaine (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-07-29).
  4. The morning” by David Leonhardt (The New York Times, 2022-08-01). Subtitled “A large new study offers clues about how lower-income children can rise up the economic ladder.”
  5. Industrial policy starts with semiconductors” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2022-08-01).
  6. Why are financial markets so complacent?” by Anatole Kaletsky (Project Syndicate, 2022-08-01).
  7. The post-inflation economy that could be” by Raghuram G. Rajan (Project Syndicate, 2022-08-02).
  8. Turns out it’s not who you know that determines economic success” by Clea Simon (The Harvard Gazette, 2022-08-03).
  9. ‘America is resilient’” by David Westin (Bloomberg : Wall Street Work, 2022-08-05). 10m (?) video. Interview with Larry Summers, touching on inflation, the July 2022 jobs report, the Inflation Reduction Act, the carried interest tax, and US politics.
  10. How the algorithmic money faucet drives the economy” by kyla scanlon (kyla’s Newsletter, 2022-08-06).


  1. College essay prompts get absurd. ‘So where is Waldo, really?’” by Isabelle Sarraf (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-08-02).


  1. Inside Lauren Rothberg and Michael D. Ratner’s star-studded Napa Valley wedding” by Alexandra Macon (Vogue, 2022-07-29).


  1. The brain that defied Alzheimer’s” by Neil Osterweil (The Harvard Gazette, 2022-08-01).

Politics : China, Taiwan, US

  1. China’s Xi warns Biden over Taiwan as a possible Pelosi trip adds to tensions” by Alex Leary, Charles Hutzler (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-07-28).
  2. Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan highlights America’s incoherent strategy” (The Economist, 2022-08-02).
  3. Nancy Pelosi has left Taiwan. The real crisis may be just beginning” (The Economist, 2022-08-03).

Politics : Other

  1. Ko Jimmy was determined to make Myanmar free” (The Economist, 2022-07-27).
  2. The inflation reduction act: Some initial thoughts” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2022-07-29).
  3. Rivian says Senate climate deal puts it at disadvantage” by Sean McLain (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-08-02).
  4. Plaintext” by Steven Levy (WIRED, 2022-08-05). On the Biden administration’s anti-trust agenda.


  1. Plaintext” by Kate Knibbs (WIRED, 2022-07-29). On Instagram.


  1. Learning how to respond, instead of react” by Steve Magness (The Growth Equation, 2022-07-28).
  2. Why do programmers talk to rubber ducks?” by Wiki Witty (YouTube, 2019-06-13).
  3. Can we learn to disagree better?” by Anne McElvoy (The Economist : The Economist Asks, 2022-08-04). 33m podcast. Discussion with organizational psychologist Adam Grant.


  1. 4 characteristics of the best LED flashlights” (Fenix, 2022?).
  2. Paying $400,000 for an executive assistant? Do-it-all aides are pricier than ever” by Callum Borchers (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-08-04).