
A brief gallivant about the marketplace of ideas.

Month: July, 2023

Read : 2023-07-28

Articles for reference


  1. Everyone calls it a classic. But who’s everyone, and why am I so bored?” by Liz Mineo (The Harvard Gazette, 2023-07-25).

Consumer financial protection

  1. Data breaches: What to know, what to do” (Federal Trade Commission, 2016-09).
  2. What to know about credit freezes and fraud alerts” (Federal Trade Commission, 2021-05).


  1. Valid account credentials are behind most cyber intrusions, CISA finds” by Matt Kapko (Cybersecurity Dive, 2023-07-28).
    Valid credential compromise combined with spear-phishing attacks accounts for nearly 90% of infiltrations last year.
  2. SEC approves cyber incident-reporting rules for public companies” by James Rundle (The Wall Street Journal, 2023-07-26).
  3. SEC votes to overhaul disclosure rules for material cyber events” by David Jones (Cybersecurity Dive, 2023-07-26).
  4. EV charging networks prepare for cyberattacks” by Catherine Stupp (The Wall Street Journal, 2023-07-14).
  5. Plaintext” by Steven Levy (WIRED, 2023-07-21). About encryption.
  6. Security incident update and recommended actions” (LastPass, 2023-03-01).


  1. Personal income and outlays, June 2023” (BEA, 2023-07-28).
  2. Mike Bird and Noah Smith debate industrial policy” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2023-07-28).
  3. US–China decoupling by the numbers” by Stephen S. Roach (Project Syndicate, 2023-07-26).
  4. ‘Something very strange’ explains why a US recession has been delayed” by Matthew Fox (Business Insider, 2023-07-20). If firms that refinance debt into long-term, low-rate fixed debt when interest rates are near zero are “strange”. (Some might even call it “rational”.)
  5. The economic impact of the student loan restart” by Joseph Politano (Apricitas Economics, 2023-07-18).


  1. The Morning” by David Leonhardt (The New York Times, 2023-07-24). Subtitled, “We’re covering a new look at college admissions…”
  2. Post-covid learning losses” by Ryan Doan-Nguyen (Harvard Magazine, 2023-07-17).


  1. Closer look at ‘father of the atomic bomb’” by Samantha Laine Perfas (The Harvard Gazette, 2023-07-19).


  1. Investors are seized by optimism. Can the bull market last?” (The Economist, 2023-07-25).


  1. Facebook bowed to White House pressure, removed covid posts” by Ryan Tracy (The Wall Street Journal, 2023-07-28).
  2. The China 2023 series” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2023-07-23). A list of Smith’s 2023-dated posts about China.

Science and technology

  1. Plaintext” by Paresh Dave (WIRED, 2023-07-28). About AI.
  2. One of the ‘godfathers of AI’ airs his concerns” by Yoshua Bengio (The Economist, 2023-07-21).


  1. The Hollywood writers strike & the future of TV” (NPR : Fresh Air, 2023-05-25). 44m audio interview with John Koblin of the New York Times.


  1. What it means to ‘own your seat’” by Brad Stulberg (The Growth Equation, 2023-07-26).
  2. A girl’s guide to geek guys” by Mikki Halpin, Victoria Maat (????).

Read : 2023-07-19

Articles for reading

  1. Science digest: Difficult conversations, heat training, meaningful work, and group collaboration” by Steve Magness (The Growth Equation, 2023-07-09).
  2. The economic impact of the student loan restart” by Joseph Politano (Apriticas Economics, 2023-07-18).

Articles for reference


  1. Barbara ‘Palvin’ Sprouse wore Vivienne Westwood to marry Dylan Sprouse at their Hungarian countryside wedding” by Alexandra Macon (Vogue, 2023-07-18).


  1. Nearly 70% of FortiGate firewalls are vulnerable to new bugs, experts say” by Jonathan Greig (The Record, 2023-07-05).
  2. Getting locked out of your digital life is bad. Here’s how to avoid it.” by Nicole Nguyen (The Wall Street Journal, 2023-07-09).
  3. Threat group testing more sophisticated DDoS hacks, authorities warn” by David Jones (Cybersecurity Dive, 2023-07-10).
  4. Victims of cyberattack on file-transfer tool pile up” by Catherine Stupp (The Wall Street Journal, 2023-07-19).


  1. Measure it differently, and inflation is behind us” by James Mackintosh (The Wall Street Journal, 2023-07-12).
  2. Consumer price index—June 2023” (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023-07-12).


  1. California needs real math education, not gimmicks” by Armand Domalewski (Noahpinion, 2023-07-08).
  2. Refusing to teach kids math will not improve equity” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2023-07-18).
  3. The economic impact of the student loan restart” by Joseph Politano (Apriticas Economics, 2023-07-18).


  1. Five books to make you smarter about money” by Simon Constable (The Wall Street Journal, 2023-07-09).


  1. How to think about AI” by Colleen Walsh (Harvard Law Bulletin, 2023-06-27).


  1. The mathematically correct way to tie your shoes” by Ethan Siegel (Big Think, 2023-07-06). Less click-baitily, On the shoe-tying merits and demerits of the reef knot and the granny knot.


  1. The pushback against industrial policy has begun” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2023-07-15).
  2. Is age just a number? Ask Biden and Trump” by Christina Pazzanese (The Harvard Gazette, 2023-07-17).


  1. Form and freedom in the church” by Francis Schaeffer (Lausanne Movement, ????).

Science and technology

  1. People drawn to conspiracy theories share a cluster of psychological features” by Melinda Wenner Moyer (Scientific American, 2019-03).
  2. Science digest: Difficult conversations, heat training, meaningful work, and group collaboration” by Steve Magness (The Growth Equation, 2023-07-09).
  3. Interview: Chris Miller, historian and author of ‘Chip War’” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2023-07-10).
  4. Anthropic, OpenAI beef up coding capabilities for their LLMs” by Lindsey Wilson (CIO Dive, 2023-07-11).


  1. Wave of rental resets to further deplete affordable housing” by Will Parker (The Wall Street Journal, 2023-07-10).
  2. Crosswalks and pedestrian safety: What you need to know from recent research” by Clark Merrefield (The Journalist’s Resource, 2023-07-10).

Read : 2023-07-08

Articles for reading

  1. 打首獄門同好会「なつのうた」” by 打首獄門同好会 (YouTube, 2019-07-24). 4m animated music video. I love the animation! And the song. Yes, that is summer, spot-on, for some of us.
  2. Elliptic curves yield their secrets in a new number system” by Kevin Hartnett (Quanta Magazine, 2023-07-06).

Articles for reference


  1. False relations in the late Renaissance” by Early Music Sources (YouTube, 2019-07-25).
  2. The fascinating counterpoint of Lamentation letters” by Early Music Sources (YouTube, 2023-07-06).
  3. 打首獄門同好会「なつのうた」” by 打首獄門同好会 (YouTube, 2019-07-24). 4m animated music video.


  1. A first-hand look inside Walmart’s robust security operations” by Naomi Eide (Cybersecurity Dive, 2023-01-30).
  2. The race is on: Tutanota launches development of post-quantum secure cloud” by Matthias Pfau (Tutanota, 2023-07-03).
  3. Aura sells cybersecurity to regular people” by Kim S. Nash (The Wall Street Journal, 2023-07-05).
  4. MOVEit vulnerability snags almost 200 victims, more expected” by Matt Kapko (Cybersecurity Dive, 2023-07-05).
  5. Signal’s Meredith Whittaker: Breaking encryption while preserving privacy is ‘magical thinking’” by Tonya Riley (Cyberscoop, 2023-07-07). Aren’t anti-malware (anti-virus) scanners a type of client-side scanner? I don’t recall cybersecurity experts voicing widespread privacy concerns about them. Is the difference that the database of suspicious signatures and behavior is maintained locally (on the user’s machine) for anti-malware programs, whereas the results of the client-side scanning that concerns Whittaker are transmitted to remote authorities? (Do these statements accurately describe how this software works?)


  1. Job opening and labor turnover—May 2023” (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023-07-06).
  2. ADP National Employment Report : June 2023” (ADP, 2023-06).
  3. ‘Greedflation’ is a nonsense idea” (The Economist, 2023-07-06).
  4. The employment situation—June 2023” (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023-07-07).


  1. Why are Vietnam’s schools so good?” (The Economist, 2023-06-29).


  1. Elliptic curves yield their secrets in a new number system” by Kevin Hartnett (Quanta Magazine, 2023-07-06).


  1. No one can stop Rupert Murdoch. That’s increasingly a problem.” by William D. Cohan (The New York Times, 2023-07-04). Why does the author mention in passing the cancelled engagement, without explicit context or explanation?
  2. Wisconsin’s governor just pulled off the strangest veto of the year” by Ben Kesling, Mariah Timms (The Wall Street Journal, 2023-07-07).

Science and technology

  1. Why we get scammed and what to do about it” by Daniel Simons, Christopher Chabris (The Wall Street Journal, 2023-07-07).


  1. We don’t need to destroy the economy to save it” by kyla scanlon (kyla’s Newsletter, 2023-07-06).
  2. Plaintext” by Greg Barber (WIRED, 2023-07-07). On Bluesky, Threads, and social media.


  1. Francis Schaeffer’s 4 prescriptions for the renewal of the church” by Trevin Wax (The Gospel Coalition, 2023-06-15).
  2. Self-management vs. self-leadership” by Brad Stulberg (The Growth Equation, 2023-07-06).

Read : 2023-07-02

Articles for reading

  1. On the soul-sustaining necessity of resisting self-comparison and fighting cynicism: A commencement address” by Maria Popova (The Marginalian, 2016-05-16).
  2. The limits of writing your own life story” by Brad Stulberg (The Growth Equation, 2023-06-29).

Articles for reference


  1. A classic Carrie Bradshaw look lives again, thanks to Kendall Jenner” by Emma Spedding (Vogue, 2023-06-27).
  2. Margot Robbie wears vintage Chanel (and an upgrade-worthy shoe) to the airport” by Emma Spedding (Vogue, 2023-06-28).


  1. What to do after a data breach” by Sue Poremba (Cybersecurity Dive, 2023-06-29).


  1. US supply chains are recovering” by Joseph Politano (Apricitas Economics, 2023-06-20).
  2. Free! Why $0.00 is the future of business” by Chris Anderson (WIRED, 2008-02-25).


  1. Mathematicians discover novel way to predict structure in graphs” by Jordana Cepelewicz (Quanta Magazine, 2023-06-22). On a recent paper about Ramsey numbers.


  1. America’s mythical fiscal conservatives” by Jeffrey Frankel (Project Syndicate, 2023-06-16).

Science and technology

  1. Plaintext” by Steven Levy (WIRED, 2023-06-23).
  2. Volley : Latest episodes” (CompTIA). Episode list for CompTIA podcast


  1. The nostalgia cycle loop” by kyla scanlon (kyla’s Newsletter, 2023-06-22).
  2. The economic perception model” by kyla scanlon (kyla’s Newsletter, 2023-06-29).
  3. The student debt revolt failed, but Millennials will be fine” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2023-07-02).


  1. On the soul-sustaining necessity of resisting self-comparison and fighting cynicism: A commencement address” by Maria Popova (The Marginalian, 2016-05-16).
  2. The limits of writing your own life story” by Brad Stulberg (The Growth Equation, 2023-06-29).
  3. How to retire better, from retirees who learned the hard way” by Veronica Dagher, Anne Tergesen (The Wall Street Journal, 2023-07-02).
  4. A ‘formidable’ choice” by Christy DeSmith (The Harvard Gazette, 2023-06-28). Harvard names Dr. Hopi Hoekstra Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
  5. Letter to members of the Harvard community regarding Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College” by Lawrence S. Bacow, Claudine Gay, et al. (Harvard University, 2023-06-29).
  6. Letter to members of the FAS community regarding next dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences” by Claudine Gay (Harvard University, 2023-06-27?).
  7. Managing conflict mindfully: Don’t believe everything you think” by PON Live! (Harvard Law School : Program on Negotiation, 2023-06-26). 1h03m video.

Read : 2023-07-01

Articles for reading

  1. Adam Smith at 300” by Diane Coyle (Project Syndicate, 2023-06-23).

Articles for reference

Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College

  1. Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College” (US Supreme Court, 2023-06-29).
  2. Harvard united in resolve in face of Supreme Court’s admissions ruling” by Christina Pazzanese (The Harvard Gazette, 2023-06-29).
  3. Why affirmative action in American universities had to go” (The Economist, 2023-06-30).
  4. I teach at an elite college. Here’s a look inside the racial gaming of admissions.” by Tyler Austin Harper (The New York Times, 2023-06-30). On “racial gamification”.


  1. How Kendall Jenner wants to ditch the nepo baby playbook” by Elisa Lipsky-Karasz (The Wall Street Journal : WSJ. Magazine, 2023-06-21).


  1. Who should have control in a zero trust environment” by Dave Cartwright (ISC2, 2023-06).
  2. How bad code fuels security mishaps” by Jen A. Miller (Cybersecurity Dive, 2023-06-30).
  3. Microsoft confirms DDoS attacks caused Azure, OneDrive outages” by David Jones (Cybersecurity Dive, 2023-06-20).
  4. MITRE releases new list of top 25 most dangerous software bugs” by Sergiu Gatlan (Bleeping Computer, 2023-06-29).
  5. No consensus on creating a unified US cyber incident reporting framework” by Cynthia Brumfield (CSO Online, 2023-06-29).


  1. Adam Smith at 300” by Diane Coyle (Project Syndicate, 2023-06-23).
  2. Two plus two really does equal four: simulating official BLS gasoline price measures” by Michael Havlin (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023-06).

Health and medicine

  1. Linsey Marr: Air quality—a major issue of our time” by Eric Topol (Ground Truths, 2023-06-30).

Science and technology

  1. Microsoft launches free AI training as enterprises grapple with skills shortage” by Lindsey Wilkinson (CIO Dive, 2023-06-28).
  2. Our medical data must become free” by K McGowan (WIRED, 2016-02-11).


  1. The working-from-home illusion fades” (The Economist, 2023-06-28).