Read : 2020-01-31

by shwolff

Today’s selection of articles:

  1. What we know — and don’t know — about the coronavirus outbreak” by Alvin Powell (The Harvard Gazette, 2020-01-30). An interview with Marc Lipsitch, “an infectious disease specialist who worked on the SARS epidemic”.
  2. Coronavirus fears drive demand for face masks, but some experts doubt them” by Julie Wernau & Stella Yifan Xie (Wall Street Journal, 2020-01-30). The byline says it all: “Many do little to protect from coronavirus, and even the best have to be fitted and worn properly to have any benefit”.
  3. The skewed and the screwed: When mating meets politics” by Jacob Falkovich (Put a Num on It, 2020-01-26).
  4. Why black women are aging alone” by Carly Stern (OZY, 2020-01-31).

BONUS! Characters from the Japanese animation “Lucky Star” break down the difference between a flu and a cold (about 1 minute).