Read : 2022-01-13

by shwolff

Articles for reading:

  1. Readers love Curious George. I fell in love with the author’s astronomy books.” by Dan Falk (Nautilus, 2022-01-05).
  2. The inflation outlook” by Joseph Politano (Apricitas, 2022-01-12).
  3. Do difficult things that force engagement” by Steve Magness (The Growth Equation, 2022-01-13).
  4. Karl Marx’s changing picture of the end of capitalism” by Gareth Stedman Jones (Journal of the British Academy, 2017-11-21).

Articles on government-imposed price controls:

  1. Are rising corporate profit margins causing inflation?” by Joseph Politano (Apricitas, 2022-01-01).
  2. Why price controls are a bad tool for fighting inflation” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2022-01-01).

Articles for reference:

  1. “The Federalist [Papers]” by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison (1787–1788). Available from US Library of Congress and the University of Groningen.
  2. The truth behind unemployment reports” by John Jagerson (Learning Markets, ????).
  3. Six books on China” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2022-01-09).
  4. We don’t need a civil war to be in serious trouble” by Christina Pazzanese (The Harvard Gazette, 2022-01-11).
  5. Web3 had better not be Transaction Cost Hell” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2022-01-10).
  6. Yes, worker skills matter” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2022-01-12).
  7. Welcome to the era of the bossy state” (The Economist, 2022-01-15).
  8. Joan Didion helped me tell my own story” by Kathleen Alcalá (Zócalo, 2022-01-11).
  9. Interview: Tyler Cowen, economist and public intellectual” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2022-01-09).
  10. The Morning” by David Leonhardt (The NY Times, 2022-01-10). Such a promising opening line…