Read : 2022-09-13

by shwolff

Articles for reading

  1. How did Biden go from zero to hero so quickly?” by Christina Pazzanese (The Harvard Gazette, 2022-09).
    The press always does this. There is a meta narrative that settles into the news coverage and that frames even how journalists look at developments.
    There’s very little context, very little attempt to put into a shape and a form and background that gives people a more complete understanding. They just go for the bottom line…
    If you think about political journalists, they read each other; they talk to each other a lot. There’s kind of a groupthink about where things are.
  2. Breyer offers advice on being on losing side” by Christina Pazzanese (The Harvard Gazette, 2022-09-12).
    Politics, deciding cases, or whatever you find controversial, that’s one thing. Human relations is something different.
    Do your job and do it as well as you can, and then maybe somebody will notice, and you’ll get a better job. Maybe they won’t, but at least you’ve done the work.
    the country would be better off if we just listen to each other and really hear what someone else has to say, and participate in public life

Articles for reference


  1. Gen Xers and Millennials, it’s time to lead. Are you ready?” by Lane Lambert (Harvard Business School : Working Knowledge, 2022-09-08).


  1. The ethereum merge and energy markets” by kyla scanlon (kyla’s Newsletter, 2022-09-10).
  2. The future of crypto is at stake in ethereum’s switch” (The Economist, 2022-09-06).


  1. CISA to hold meetings to flesh out cyber-incident reporting rules” by James Rundle (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-09-07).
  2. Why corporate boards need more cybersecurity expertise” by Michelle Lowry, Anthony Vance (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-09-07).
  3. Trial of former Uber executive has security officials worried about liability for hacks” by Robert McMillan (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-09-08).


  1. How to help with Europe’s energy crisis” by Mike Bird, Alice Fulwood, Soumaya Keynes (The Economist : Money Talks, 2022-09-07). 37m podcast.
  2. The ECB’s 2022-09-08 monetary policy statement and corresponding press conference (European Central Bank, 2022-09-08).
  3. Pinochet’s economic policy is vastly overrated” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2022-09-07).
  4. Governance for a healthy economy” by Dani Rodrik (Project Syndicate, 2022-09-09).
  5. The Fed should wait and see” by Joseph E. Stiglitz, Dean Baker (Project Syndicate, 2022-09-12).
  6. Isabella M. Weber says more…” (Project Syndicate, 2022-09-06). An interview with economist Isabella M. Weber.


  1. Harvard Grid to help researchers make leap from lab to startup” (The Harvard Gazette, 2022-09-07).


  1. Breyer offers advice on being on losing side” by Christina Pazzanese (The Harvard Gazette, 2022-09-12).


  1. How Shannon entropy imposes fundamental limits on communication” by Kevin Hartnett (Quanta Magazine, 2022-09-06).


  1. Can Liz Truss fix Britain?” (The Economist, 2022-09-08).
  2. Elizabeth II never laid down the heavy weight of the crown” (The Economist, 2022-09-08).
  3. Requiem for an empire” by Robert Skidelsky (Project Syndicate, 2022-09-12).


  1. Psychologists are learning what religion has known for years” by David DeSteno (WIRED, 2021-09-14).


  1. Randall Munroe and the power of ‘what if?’” by Alvin Powell (The Harvard Gazette, 2022-09-12).


  1. The end of real social networks” by Daron Acemoglu (Project Syndicate, 2022-09-07).
  2. Why the bullshit-jobs thesis may be, well, bullshit” (The Economist, 2021-06-05).
  3. Thoughts on the origins of wokeness” by Noah Smith (Noahpinion, 2022-09-09).


  1. The tech winners and losers of the pandemic” (The Economist, 2022-09-01).
  2. Plaintext” by Steven Levy (WIRED, 2022-09-09). On TikTok.
  3. Software is reorganizing the world” by Balaji Srinivasan (WIRED, 2013-11-22).
  4. Harvard partners with Amazon Web Services in quantum internet push” (The Harvard Gazette, 2022-09-12). Interview with Professors Evelyn Hu, Marko Lončar, Mikhail Lukin, Hongkun Park.
    It’s only by taking that long view, making a commitment to collaboration—and the underlying trust that holds collaborations together—that the miracles actually manifest themselves.


  1. What to read to become a better writer” (The Economist, 2022-09-09).
  2. Politics and the English language” by George Orwell (The Orwell Foundation, via Horizon, 1946).
  3. Why I write” by George Orwell (The Orwell Foundation, from Gangrel, 1946).


  1. Have a gas stove? How to reduce pollution that may harm health” by Wynne Armand (Harvard Health Publishing, 2022-09-07).
  2. The perils of heroic individualism (and ideas for a more grounded society)” by Brad Stulberg (The Growth Equation, 2022-09-08). The author’s retrospective on his most-recent book, one year on. Or, the hungry ghost at the levels of the individual and (especially) society.
  3. Obituary: Queen Elizabeth II” (BBC, 2022-09-08).
  4. Books are physically changing because of inflation” (The Economist, 2022-09-08).
  5. Taking the leap” by Joseph Politano (Apricitas Economics, 2022-09-10).
  6. For every vacation-home fantasy, there is a harsh financial reality” by Veronica Dagher (The Wall Street Journal, 2022-09-12).